Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Interview

Why did you want to start this blog? Well, it was on May Saturday 30th. and I got this idea 'cause my mom makes blogs and I wanted one of my own.

What kind of stuff are you going to put on your blog? pictures, videos and I will write stuff.

What is your life like? Well, you could see I am only six. I go to school and I go to Karate. I started a new routine. My life is pretty life-like. I am going to begin my summer.

What are your favorite things? Well, my favorite thing is a special stuffed animal named Gib.

How long have you had Gib? I have had him like five years.

What is your favorite thing to eat? I don't really have a favorite. I have a couple things, pizza and vegetarian hot dogs.

What are your plans for the summer? Well, I am planning to go to the park a lot and have fun. I will go to the swimmy pool. I will work on my blog since May 2009 30th of Saturday that is when my blog became special to me.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited about this blog!

    I have a stuffed monkey I got when I was about your age, so he's almost 41 years old. His name is Judy, but I have always thought of him as a boy.
